Sometimes an all-capitalized look is suitable for a table. By using opt_all_caps(), we can transform characters in the column labels, the stub, and in all row groups in this way (and there’s control over which of these locations are transformed). This method serves as a convenient shortcut for tab_options(<location>_text_transform="uppercase", <location>_font_size="80%", <location>_font_weight="bolder") (for all locations selected).
Indicates whether the text transformation to all caps should be performed (True, the default) or reset to default values (False) for the locations targeted.
str | list[str]
Which locations should undergo this text transformation? By default it includes all of the "column_labels", the "stub", and the "row_group" locations. However, we could just choose one or two of those.
The GT object is returned. This is the same object that the method is called on so that we can facilitate method chaining.
Using select columns from the exibble dataset, let’s create a table with a number of components added. Following that, we’ll ensure that all text in the column labels, the stub, and in all row groups is transformed to all caps using the opt_all_caps() method.
from great_tables import GT, exibble, md( GT( exibble[["num", "char", "currency", "row", "group"]], rowname_col="row", groupname_col="group" ) .tab_header( title=md("Data listing from **exibble**"), subtitle=md("`exibble` is a **Great Tables** dataset.") ) .fmt_number(columns="num") .fmt_currency(columns="currency") .tab_source_note(source_note="This is only a subset of the dataset.") .opt_all_caps())